UX Design
User Research


Jun 2019


The second internship project that Redhorse gave our team was the task of designing an interactive mobile app for bourbon enthusiasts. The project was open-ended and our team was given total creative freedom with the research and design methods. Our final product is an exclusive marketplace for bourbon experts and enthusiasts.


Literature Review


We need to see what online bourbon enthusiasts are interested in, and how websites and magazines tailor for their audience


    - Enthusiasts enjoy using flavor profiles to receive suggestions they may like

    - Websites and magazines typically follow a similar dark-theme layout

    - Enthusiasts use social media to share what they are purchasing and drinking

    - When purchasing high-end products, consumers need information about the provenance to make sure the purchase is reliable

Interviews (with Enthusiasts)


We need to better understand what bourbon enthusiasts would want from a bourbon app and how they would want to use it


    - Non-expert reviews are avoided when seeking high-end products

    - Local experts are the primary source of knowledge for suggestions or reviews

    - Enthusiasts would like to scan labels or restaurant menus to compare prices or find similar products

    - Enthusiasts enjoy learning about the history and science behind bourbon products

Interviews (with Experts)


We wanted to see how bourbon distillers, marketers, and influencers conduct their business and how they catered to their customers


    - Stories and bottle design interest customers to buy the first bottle; expertise secures further interest to return to the distillery

    - High-end clientele enjoy the feeling of having an exclusive expert that they can contact for rare merchandise; the feeling that “I know a guy”

    - Facebook and text messaging is typically how business managers market their exclusive inventory to their loyal consumers


Landing Page

This sketch is an early idea for the landing page. Upon entering the mobile app, users would be prompted with four different categories that would help narrow the scope of what they want to see. These four categories are recommendations, history, science, and expert reviews.

Landing Page v2

This is another idea of how to structure the landing page from the previous sketch. The design was meant to represent five different categories that were placed on a bourbon shelf.

User Profile

This is an idea for adding a social element to the mobile app. The sketch displays a profile page for a certain user of the app. The profile stores the user’s name, age, likes, and reviews of favorite or disliked bourbons.

Knowledge Graph

Due to the requirement of incorporating a knowledge graph into this project, this sketch focuses on how a knowledge graph could be used to benefit bourbon enthusiasts. The idea is to display reviews of bourbon based on certain flavor preferences. When clicking on one of the graph’s nodes, the user would see a sweet bourbon that corresponds to that node. Each node would display a rating outside of the node bubbles. User could also filter their results based on reviews from friends, experts, or the general public.


This is an idea of an AR or video-based app that provides users with a tutorial of how to make mixed drinks with certain bourbons. The demonstration would be displayed near the center of the screen, while the directions are displayed in the top-right corner.

Flavor Wheel for Suggestions

This idea focuses on the concept of basing reviews and suggestions on a flavor wheel. Users would be given the task of completing a quiz that gauged their flavor preferences. The results would then be displayed on this graph.

Flavor Wheel Implementation

Building off the previous sketch, this idea focuses on how we could incorporate the results from a flavor-based quiz into useful features. For example, if the user preferred grainy flavors, they would be given a description of the flavor, suggestions that correlate to that flavor, and the option to purchase the suggestions from local retailers.



In order to gain access to the Blind Tiger app, users must receive an invitation from a current member. On the invitation is a button that has an access code on it. Clicking the button will open the app, assuming it is already downloaded. The user will be taken to the login screen where they can input the access code.


This screen allows users to input the access code that was given in the invitation. After this initial sign up, they would go through an account creation process. Once their account is created, they will be able to normally sign in with a username and password that they have selected.


The Explore page is structured like a social media newsfeed. At the top of the feed is a list of products that have been recently liked by influencers you are connected to. Underneath is a feed that lists recent activity, such as when one of your connections added a product to their personal shelf, or if a connected influencer reviews a product.


On the Profile page, users can access their personal Shelves and Tastes collections. Users can also see their most recent review, as well as any items that they have previously bookmarked or liked.

My Shelf

The My Shelf page stores any products that users have recently purchased. Certain high-end users would like to share with their connections and showcase any recent purchases that are rare and valuable.

My Tastes

The My Tastes page is similar to the My Shelf page. This page holds any product that you have recently tried that you would like to review or share with your connections.

Influencer Profile

Similar to the user’s Profile page, the Influencer Profile page stores their shelf, most recent review, as well as any bookmarked or liked items. The primary difference between influencer profiles and user profiles is the option to see any current sales or events that the influencer is involved in.

Sales & Events

By selecting the Sales and Events button on the Influencer Profile, the user is taken to this page. Here, users can view and purchase rare, exclusive products that the influencer has predetermined the user can have access to. Many influencers require buyers to donate to a particular charity before they are able to make a purchase. This page authenticates whether the user has made a donation before they have access to make a purchase.


The product details are listed underneath the front product, which includes the name, average price, and product description. Users can swipe through the recommendations by swiping to the left or right, or they can simply click on the left or right products. User connections and influencers that have liked, tried, or added a product to their shelves are shown underneath the product description.

Liked Product

Once the user clicks the heart icon that is resting alongside a product, the icon turns red, signifying that the product has been added to their list of likes. On the back-end, this will help build the NLP recommendation system by inputting profile data that will be used to inform additional recommendations.

Menu Reader

By clicking the camera icon in the top corner of the interface, users will be taken to this screen. On this page, users can take pictures of restaurant or bar menus. The app will then present them with a list of similar recommendations and local price comparisons.


On this page, users can view and send messages between their connections. Users will also see if they have received an invitation from an influencer to have access to their page. If given access, the user will be notified of current or upcoming events held by the influencer.